Camping Information
Pre-registration is required. Campers may come in no earlier than the Sunday before the fair start date.
Ringgold County Fair Board reserves the right to refuse permission to camp.
Contact Liz Stewart at 641-464-5270 for reservations or more information
Commercial Building Booths
If your organization wants to set up a booth in the commercial building, please get in touch with Liz Stewart, board secretary/treasurer at 641-464-5270
Anyone on an ATV/ORV/OHV/ORM or GOLF CART must have a valid driver’s license and be at least 18 years old to drive at the Ringgold County Fair Grounds. You must also have the following:1. Registrations must be current and carried on the operator or machine.2. Machines must display a valid DNR decal.3. You must have financial liability coverage in effect for the vehicle & carry proof of such financial liability coverage.
ATV riders in the state of Iowa who are ages 12 through 17 are required to have taken and passed an ATV education course and have an education certificate in their possession when riding on public land, public ice, and designated riding areas and trails if these areas are signed open to ATV use. Students can take a hands-on course or an approved online course to earn their education certificate.
If you have done the required course for ages 12 through 17, please take your certificate to Liz in the Ringgold County Fair office. To enroll in the DNR-approved online course: